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  • 101 Writing Answers  A Directory of Writing Resources. The place to find writing resources on the Internet or to showcase your own resource.

  • Case Study Writer Learn how to write a white paper and case study. The white paper, case study & technology writer guy is Gordon Graham, an award winning writer with 25 years in technology. He can help you build your white papers on facts, not fluff.

  • College Admission Essays With-Honors ( A team of Harvard University Graduates ) offers Admission Essay for MBA Business School, law and scholarship applications.

  • Distance Learning From World Wide Learn is the directory of online courses, accredited online degrees, distance learning, online training, and online education

  •  Hundred of editors could print a press release about your products without charge. We will email your press release to a well defined audience of editors. We have lists of business editors, education editors, software editors, and general interest editors, etc.

  • Dream Writer's Essentials  Affordable editing and writing essentials for writers, copy editing and proofreading for your manuscript and so much more!

  • Easy English  Free online interactive English tests and quizzes. We explain what you need to study. This site is one of the group of ESL sites.

  • Ebook Publishing  Create and sell ebooks using the Ebook Architect program

  • eBook Website Self-Publishing  Knowledge Download provides a ebook website builder tool that is easy to use and eliminates the need to know html. Knowledge Download also provides free tutorials, articles and an ezine to learn how to write, produce, publish and market your ebook.

  •  Software to make you a better writer. The site offers online demonstrations of its StyleWriter the Electronic Writing Course, and the Electronic House Style. Download a working copy of Stylewriter to use on your documents before you decide to buy.

  • English Grammar and Punctuation Courses on Video  Comprehensive, easy-to-follow curriculum for home schooling, private tutoring, ESL, adult literacy resources, and virtually any individual who wants to learn or improve their basic English grammar or punctuation skill.

  • English Grammar Software  WhiteSmoke's innovative software is the first-ever instant, full-text analysis solution, providing context-related language enrichment.

  • English Plus+  English grammar help, tutorials for SAT, ACT, or GRE. File and programming utilities from English Language Plus, the most complete text editing package available. A complete grammar and spelling resource integrated with a grammar and spelling checker.

  • English Writing Services - scientific, thesis, technical, and business editing service.

  • English Writing The Easy Way  Excellent Site to improve your writing skills, as well as your grammar skills. Everyone can have excellent writing skills. English Writing The Easy Way will help you to perfect your writing skills.

  • Essay Writing Guides Writing essays should not be hard. Here are some helpful tips and guidelines to make the essay writing process much easier.

  • First Writer - Writing Resources  A free writers' and authors' site that offers everything an author or writer needs, including a small press directory, writing competition listings, an online magazine accepting submissions online, an online store, editorial services, tips, and literary agents.

  • Freelance Writing  The site provides industry news, articles related to writing, an articles archive, the Freelance Job Bank, the Working Writers Newsletter, a chat room, links, news of contests, conferences, and other events, and more.

  • Get free content and submit your articles to - Where you'll find free articles on all kinds of writing and resources for beginner and experienced writers.

  • Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling  Handouts and exercises on grammar, spelling, and punctuation in printer-friendly and Adobe PDF versions from Purdue University's Online Writing Lab (OWL). Topics include adjectives, adverbs, nouns, pronouns, prepositions, verbs, and sentence structure.

  • High School Essay Topics  Short on essay topics? Find diverse essay topics on history, science, geography, mathematics,language, arts & a lot more at Scriptovia.

  • How To Write A Book Information on how to write a book including book writing tips, how to write a fiction book, writing childrens books, writing fantasy books, writing a book proposal, book writing software, format for writing a book, and books on writing.

  • How To Write A Newsletter Information on how to write a newsletter including tips on writing newsletters, creating a newsletter, newsletter templates, newsletter format, free newsletter templates, newsletter design, online newsletters, email newsletters, newsletter publishing, and newsletter software.

  •  Copywriters for Web marketing communications. also offers copywriting courses and do-it-yourself resources.

  • Jerome Software Elementary School Web Portal for Parents, Students, Teachers and Administrators

  • Keep your readers happy - Let us help you to keep your writing error-free and easy to read - whether a scientific paper, technical article, thesis, dissertation, other technical writing or business document, cover letter, or student paper.

  • Kids Test Help  Math and Reading Help for Kids is a directory of articles offering tips for homework help, improving test scores, developing positive study habits, and more.

  • NewNovelist  NewNovelist software helps experienced and novice writers complete a novel. Endorsed by best-seller Will Self, it is simple to install, provides logical and powerful tools, and is great fun to use.

  • Nonstop English - Unique Educational Tool For ESL/EFL Learning  Practice your English grammar and vocabulary skills online with interactive tests for all levels on this free website. Free interactive tests by email.

  • Phonics Programs Discover the fun and easy way to improve your child's reading skills. The Phonics Game is guaranteed to not only help your child's reading and spelling, but to boost their self-confidence as well.

  • Pneuma Books Complete Publisher's Services Get tons of free information on writing a book and publishing it, including ISBN numbers, editing, book design and page layout, book printing, distribution, book marketing, and lots of links to the book industry.

  • The searchable directory of independent writers, e-zine publishers, illustrators, photographers, filmmakers, and other artists.

  • Reading Improvement Improve your reading speed, comprehension and vocabulary with RocketReader reading improvement software. Great for ESL students - download your FREE trial copy today.

  • Red Inkworks  Encouraging writers to write. Red Inkworks offers writing tips, hints, contests, webrings, links, and a writer's newsletter with a circulation of over 3,000.

  • Scholarship Student loan company offering student loans, Federal Student Loan consolidation, scholarship search engine, Stafford Loans and Federal PLUS Loan Applications.

  • Self Publishing  Information on self publishing including self publishing books, self publishing presses, self publishing printing, self publishing software, self publishing services, self publishing childrens book, self publishing comparison, self publishing sites, and childrens self publishing.

  • StyleEase Formatting Software  APA, Chicago and Turabian Formatting Software by StyleEase automatically formats papers, theses and dissertations.

  • Technical Writing  Enroll in our online technical writing school and increase the quality of your work!

  • The Assembly for the Teaching of English Grammar A national forum for discussing the teaching of English grammar. The site is also a source of grammar tips, names of publications about grammar and writing, and questions and answers about teaching English grammar.

  • The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation  Jane Straus's easy-to-use reference guide and workbook is now available as an online resource. This popular book is an indispensable and entertaining guide for writers, proofreaders, editors, managers, clerical staff, teachers, and students.

  • The Self Publishers Club  The purpose of the self-publishers club is to support, encourage and educate writer/publishers. The site offers The Writers Corner,  The Publishers Meeting Place, and The Market, a place to sell books online. It also provides a growing list of free ebooks.

  • The Thrilling Detective Web Site  The perfect waste of time for fans of fictional private eyes and other tough guys in books, films, television and radio. Come check out The P.I. Poll.

  • The Writer Gazette  Writing resource site for writers on freelance and novel writing, and publishing, including articles, job board, call for submissions, freebies, contests, tips, books, and more.

  • Time To Teach  An excellent all round teacher resource site for worksheets, downloads and information useful to teachers.

  • Vocab Vitamins  Simple and thoughtful tools to expand your vocabulary for effective communication in the English language.  For writers, readers, those with an urgent need for test preparation (SAT, GRE, and any exam with a verbal component), and everyday people with a penchant for delivering the full range of their thoughts to the world around them.

  • Web Grammar  The site offers free tips: references, grammar, editing, spelling, design, marketing and typography. It is a useful site for students, writers, editors, educators, researchers, and Web developers.

  • is THE source for Innovative Writing Software for the Creative Writer, Books on Writing, Amazing Research Links and more -- designed for the Creative Writer.

  • Write it Now Novel Writing Software  Get organized and write complete stories or novels with Write It Now 2, or simply generate characters, ideas, titles and names with this useful software. Download a free demo copy of Write It Now 2.

  • Writer's Help Desk  Our mission is to equip aspiring writers or authors with the tools and resources necessary to self-publish their books or to get their book published. In pursuit of this, the company has developed information and workshops with which to assist writers to publish and promote their work.

  • Writers Internet Research  If your time is too valuable to spend doing research, let us do your initial Internet research while you concentrate on writing.

  • Writers Manual  A bragging zone for freelance writers and published authors worldwide. A site dedicated to promoting fellow authors and freelance writers by detailing their successes in traditional/online publishing and freelancing.

  • Writing Directory  A one stop resource for all your writing needs.

  • Writing Help Central  is a one-stop writing help destination covering a broad range of writing subjects including: letter writing (personal and business), resume writing, college admission essays and personal statements, business writing (plans, proposals), essay writing styles (APA, MLA), proposal writing, and more.

  • Writing World  The site offers a broad selection of articles and books on writing - how to write and how to get started. also offers classes on writing and selling one's work, publishes a free newsletter, provides job listings for writers, and gives details of writing contests for a variety of literary forms.

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