
1) Her disease has (laid, lain) dormant for several months.
a) laid
b) lain

2) Her disease (lay, laid) dormant for several months (past tense)
a) lay
b) laid

3) His genius is (lying, laying) dormant.
a) lying
b) laying

4) His genius (lies, lays) dormant. (present tense)
a) lies
b) lays

5) Please (lay, lie) down.
a) lay
b) lie

6) I have (laid, lain) the dirty dishes in the sink.
a) laid
b) lain

7) Please (lay, lie) those packages down.
a) lay
b) lie

8) Have you (laid, lay) away your new socks?
a) laid
b) lay

9) We have (laid, lain) incognito for the entire evening.
a) laid
b) lain

10) (Laying, Lying) on his stomach, the man peered over the edge of the cliff.
a) Laying
b) Lying

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