Lie - Lay - Lying - Laying

1) Has he been (laying/lying) the breakfast trays carefully on the cart?
a) laying
b) lying

2) Please, (lay/lie) there. The doctor will examine you shortly.
a) lay
b) lie

3) The sandbox (lays/lies) flat on the ground.
a) lays
b) lies

4) You can expect that the new high school principal will (lay/lie) down the law.
a) lay
b) lie

5) Have you been (lying/laying) awake all night?
a) lying
b) laying

6) Please (lay/lie) your dirty clothing on the bench.
a) lay
b) lie

7) He likes to (lay/lie) down for a nap after lunch.
a) lay
b) lie

8) Where did you (lay/lie) the dirty dishes?
a) lay
b) lie

9) Please (lay, lie) the glass on the table.
a) lay
b) lie

10) Mother is (lying, laying) down for a few minutes.
a) lying
b) laying

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