When looking at the verbs that follow, remember that Spanish verbs end in ar, er, or ir. Accept that fact and then, in your mind, remove the Spanish verb-ending. You will find that the Spanish verb bears a close similarity to one of the English equivalents that appear on its right. Oh! By the way! Spanish generally don't use double consonants, such as bb, cc, rr, ff, gg, nn, etc. (An ll is the noticeable exception.) If you remember this, it will be easier for you to see the similarity between Spanish and English words.
For example, remove the ar from abortar and what do you have? To miscarry or have a miscarriage. Isn't that the same as to abort?
The same is true for the Spanish verb, abandonar and absolver. Remove their endings and you are looking at to abandon and to absolve.
Included in the list, however, are a few verbs that differ from English by more than their ar, ir, or er endings. For example, included in the list are abalanzar (to balance), acelerar (to accelerate), abreviar (to abbreviate), and agitar (to agitate).
Here they are. The Spanish is on the left; the English on the right.
Abalanzar to balance
Abandonar to abandon, desert
Abolir to abolish
Abominar to abominate, abhor, detest
Abortar to miscarry, have a miscarriage, to give birth prematurely, to fail (Similar to abort)
Abreviar to abbreviate, shorten, condense
Abrogar to abrogate, repeal, annul
Absolver to absolve, free from guilt, to pardon, acquit
Absorber to absorb
Abstenerse to abstain, refrain
Abusar to abuse, mistreat, misuse
Acelerar to accelerate, speed up; to quicken; to hurry, hasten
Acentuar to accentuate, emphasize, to accent
Aceptar to accept, to approve, to admit
Aclamar to acclaim, cheer, hail, applaud
Acomodar to arrange, adjust, to accommodate, lodge, to place
Acompañar to accompany, to escort
Acreditar to credit, bring fame or credit to
Activar to activate, make active, to speed up, hasten
Acumular to accumulate, gather, pile up
Acusar to accuse, denounce
Adherir to adhere, to stick
Adjudicar to adjudge, award, assign (Isn't this similar to adjudicate?)
Admirar to admire
Admitir to admit; let in; to accept; to allow, permit
Adoptar to adopt; accept
Adorar to adore, worship
Adornar to adorn, decorate
Adquirir to acquire, gain, win, obtain (Omit the d and you see the similarity.)
Adulterar to adulterate, corrupt, make impure
Advertir to notice; to warn; to advertise
Afectar to affect, move, to pretend to have or feel
Afirmar to affirm, assert; to make firm
Agenciar to negotiate; to procure by negotiation; to promote (Similar to agency)
Agitar to agitate, excite; to stir, to wave, to shake
Aglomerar to mass together; to cluster (Similar to agglomerate?)
Agraciar to grace, to adorn
Agrandar to enlarge, to aggrandize, make greater
Agravar to aggravate, make worse
Aguar to dilute with water, to water (Remember aqua)
Ahumar to smoke; to fume (Similar to fumar in French)
Ajustar to adjust; to fit tight, to regulate
Alarmar to alarm
Alegar to allege, assert
Alegrar to cheer up, gladden; to brighten
Aliar to ally; to unite
Alterar to alter, to change; to disturb
Alternar to alternate; to take turns
Amalgamar to amalgamate, combine, mix, blend
Amoldar to mold; to shape; to adjust; to adapt
Amortizar to pay on account; to liquidate; to pay; to provide a sinking fund (Similar to amortize)
Anexar to annex
Animar to animate, give life to
Anticipar to anticipate
Anular to annul, void, cancel, abolish
Anunciar to announce; to advertise
Aparentar to appear, seem
Apartar to set apart; to separate
Apasionar to arouse passion; to fill with passion; - se to become impassioned
Apelar to appeal
Apilar to pick up, stack, heap
Aplacar to appease, pacify, soothe (Similar to placate)
Aplanar to level; to flatten (similar to plane)
Aplaudir to applaud, clap
Aplicar to apply; to put on
Apreciar to appreciate, value, esteem
Aprehender to apprehend, seize, arrest
Aprisionar to imprison
Aprobar to approve
Apropriar to fit; to adapt, -se to take possession (of); to confiscate (Similar to appropriate)
Aproximar to place or bring near, to approximate
Apurar to purify; verify; finish; to worry or annoy
Aquietar to quiet, calm, to hush
Arbitrar to arbitrate, to umpire
Armar to arm
Armonizar to harmonize
Argüir to argue, deduce, infer
Arreglar to arrange, put in order; to regulate
Arrestar to arrest; stop
Arriscar to risk, venture
Arruinar to ruin, destroy
Articular to articulate; to join, unite
Asaltar to assault, attack
Ascender .to ascend, climb, to promote
Asentir to assent, to agree
Asesinar to assassinate, murder
Asimilar to assimilate, digest, absorb
Asir to seize, take hold of
Asociar to associate
Aspirar to aspire, long for, seek, to inhale, breathe in
Asumir to assume
Atacar to attack
Atender to heed, pay attention, to attend to, take care of
Atentar to attempt, to try
Atenuar to attenuate, lessen, tone down, dim
Aterrar, aterrorizar to terrorize, frighten
Atestar to attest, testify, witness
Atormentar to torment; to worry, afflict; to tease, bother
Atribuir to attribute, ascribe, impute
Aumentar to augment, increase
Autorizar to authorize
Avaluar to value, appraise
Avanzar to advance
Avasallar to subject, dominate, subdue (Similar to vassal)
Aventurar to venture, risk
Avinagrar to sour, make sour or acid (Do you see vinegar?)
Balancear to balance, to rock, roll, to swing
Balotar to ballot, to vote
Basar to base
Batallar to battle, fight, struggle
Batear to bat
Batir to beat, whip
Beneficiar to benefit, do good
Calcular to calculate
Calibrar to gauge, measure; to measure the caliber of
Calmar to calm, quiet, soothe
Cancelar to cancel
Capitalizar to capitalize
Capitular to surrender
Capturar to capture, arrest
Cardar to card, comb (wool)
Catalogar to catalogue
Causar to cause
Ceder to cede, transfer; yield, surrender, submit
Celebrar to celebrate
Cementar to cement
Censurar to censure, criticize
Centrar to center
Certificar to certify; to register
Cesar to cease, stop, quit
Clarificar to clarify, make clear
Clasificar to classify
Coagular to coagulate, thicken
Coincidir to coincide
Colaborar to collaborate, work together
Colonizar to colonize
Colorar to color; to stain; to die
Comandar to command (troops)
Combinar to combine, unite
Comenzar to begin (Similar to commence)
Comisionar to commission
Conmemorar to commemorate
Comparar to compare
Compeler to compel, force
Compilar to compile
Completar to complete; to finish
Complicar to complicate
Computar to compute, calculate
Comunicar to communicate, to notify
Conceder to concede, grant; to admit
Concentrar to concentrate
Concernir to concern
Conciliar to conciliate, win over; to reconcile
Concluir to conclude, finish
Concordar to agree, to be in harmony (Similar to concord)
Concurrir to concur, meet together
Condensar to condense
Condenar to condemn; to sentence
Condescender to condescend
Condimentar to season (Similar to condiment)
Confiar to confide, entrust
Conectar to connect
Confederar to confederate
Conferir to confer; to give, bestow
Confesar to confess
Confirmar to confirm
Confiscar to confiscate
Conformar to adapt, adjust
Confortar to comfort, console
Confrontar to confront; to face
Congelar to congeal, to freeze
Congratular to congratulate
Congregar to congregate, call together
Conjeturar to conjecture, guess, surmise
Conjugar to conjugate
Consentir to consent, permit
Conservar to conserve, keep
Considerar to consider
Consignar to consign
Consistir to consist; to be based on
Consolar to console, cheer
Consolidar to consolidate, make solid
Conspirar to conspire, plot
Constituir to constitute, form
Construir to construct, build
Consultar to consult
Consumar to consummate, to complete
Consumir to consume; to waste
Contaminar to contaminate, defile
Contemplar to contemplate
Contener to contain, to restrain
Continuar to continue; to last
Contradecir to contradict
Contrastar to contrast
Contribuir to contribute
Controlar to control
Convencer to convince
Converger to converge
Convergir to converge
Conversar to converse
Convocar to convoke, call together
Convoyer to convoy, escort
Cooperar to cooperate
Coordinar to coordinate
Copiar to copy
Corroer to corrode
Cortar to cut; to cut off
Costar to cost
Crear to create
Cristalizar to crystallize
Criticar to criticize; to censure
Crucifar to crucify
Cuartear to quarter, divide into quarters
Culminar to culminate; to come to a climax
Culpar to blame; to declare guilty
Cultivar to cultivate
Cumplimentar to compliment
Curar to cure, heal
Danzar to dance
Datar to date
Debatir to debate, argue, discuss; to fight
Debilitar to weaken (Similar to debilitate)
Decaer to decay, decline
Decapitar to behead
Declamar to declaim, recite
Declarar to declare, state, affirm
Declinar to decline
Decorar to decorate, adorn
Dedicar to dedicate
Deducir to deduce, to conclude; to deduct
Defender to defend
Definir to define, explain
Deformar to deform; -se to become deformed
Defraudar to defraud, cheat, rob of
Degenerar to degenerate
Degradar to degrade; to debase
Delegar to delegate
Deliberar to deliberate, consider, ponder
Demandar to demand; to petition
Demoler to demolish, tear down
Demostrar to demonstrate, show, prove
Denigar to blacken, defame, revile, insult
Denominar to name, call, entitle
Denotar to denote, indicate, mean
Denunciar to denounce, accuse
Depender to depend, rely (on)
Deplorar to deplore, lament, regret
Deportar to deport, banish
Depositar to deposit
Depreciar to depreciate, lessen the value of
Derivar to derive
Descender to descend, go down
Descolorar to discolour; to fade
Desconectar to disconnect, bewilder, confuse
Describir to describe
Desecar to dry, to dry up, to drain (Similar to desiccate)
Desertar to desert, abandon
Desfigurar to disfigure; to deface; to distort
Designar to designate, appoint, select, to design, plan
Desilusionar to disillusion, disappoint, intend; -se to become disillusioned
Desinfectar to disinfect
Desistir to desist, stop, cease
Desorientar to throw off one´s bearings, to lead astray; to misdirect (Similar to disorient)
Destruir to destroy; to ruin
Detaller to detail, report in detail; to retail
Detener to detain, stop; to arrest
Deteriorar to deteriorate, damage; -se to deteriorate, become impaired or damaged, to wear out
Determinar to determine, to decide, to resolve
Detestar to detest
Detonar to detonate, explode with a loud noise
Devastar to devastate, lay waste, destroy
Devorar to devour, gobble up
Dialogar to dialogue
Dictar to dictate
Difamar to defame, libel, malign, slander
Dificultar to make difficult; -se to become difficult
Digerir to digest
Dilatar to dilate, widen, enlarge
Diluir to dilute
Discernir to discern; to distinguish; to discriminate
Disciplinar to discipline, train; to drill
Disecar to dissect
Diseminar to disseminate, scatter, spread
Disgustar to disgust, displease
Disociar to dissociate, separate
Disolver to dissolve; to melt
Dispersar to disperse, scatter
Disputar to dispute
Distinguir to distinguish
Distender to distend, stretch; to inflate
Distinguir to distinguish; -se to distinguish oneself
Distribuir to distribute
Divergir to diverge; to differ
Dividir to divide, split
Divorciar to divorce; to separate
Divulgar to divulge, spread, make public
Documentar to document
Domesticar to domesticate
Dominar to dominate, rule, lead
Donar to donate
Dramatizar to dramatize
Duplicar to duplicate
Eclipsar to eclipse; to outshine
Economizar to economize, save
Educar to educate, teach, train
Efectuar to effect, bring about
Elaborar to elaborate
Electrizar to electrify; to thrill, excite
Elevar to elevate, raise, lift
Eliminar to eliminate
Elucidar to elucidate, illustrate, explain
Emanar to emanate, spring, issue
Emancipar to emancipate, set free; -se to become free
Embarcar to embark, to ship
Embottelar to bottle, to bottle up
Emigrar to emigrate, to migrate
Emitir to emit, give off; to utter
Empacar to pack up, wrap up
Endosar to endorse (a cheque, draft, etc.)
Enervar to enervate, weaken
Entrar to enter, go in, come in
Enumerar to enumerate
Enunciar to enunciate, state, declare
Envidiar to envy
Equipar to equip, fit out
Errar to err, make mistakes
Escalar to scale; to climb
Escaldar to scald; to make red-hot
Escandalizar to scandalize, shock
Escapar to escape, flee, avoid
Escrutar to scrutinize
Especializar to specialize; -se to specialize in
Especificar to specify; to name
Especular to speculate
Espiar to spy
Esterilizar to sterilize
Estimar to esteem, regard highly; to estimate
Estimular to stimulate, excite, goad
Estipular to stipulate, specify
Estrangular to strangle; to choke, throttle
Estudiar to study
Evacuar to evacuate, empty; to vacate
Evadir to evade, elude
Evaluar to evaluate, appraise
Evaporar to evaporate
Examinar to examine; inspect
Exasperar to exasperate, irritate, annoy
Excavar to excavate
Exceder to exceed, surpass; to overdo
Excitar to excite, stir
Exclamar to exclaim
Excluir to exclude
Excomunicar to excommunicate
Excusar to excuse; to avoid, shun
Exhalar to exhale; to emit, give off
Exhibir to exhibit
Exhortar to exhort, admonish
Existir to exist
Exonerar to exonerate, free from blame
Expatriar to expatriate, exile
Expeler to expel, eject
Experimentar to experiment, try, test
Explicar to explain
Explorar to explore
Explotar to exploit, operate, develop
Exportar to export
Expresar to express, -se - to express oneself
Expulsar to expel, eject
Extender to extend; to spread; to unfold
Exterminar exterminate
Extinguir to extinguish, put out; to destroy
Fabricar to manufacture, fabricate, make, construct, build
Facilitar to facilitate, make easy
Falsificar to falsify, make false; to counterfeit
Familiarizar to familiarize, acquaint; -se to acquaint oneself
Fascinar to fascinate, bewitch, charm
Favorecer to favor, help, protect
Fermentar to ferment
Fertilizar to fertilize
Figurar to figure; to form; to represent, to symbolize
Filmar to film
Filtrar to filter
Finalizar to finalize, end
Financiar to finance
Flotar to float
Fluctuar to fluctuate; to waver; to hesitate
Fomentar to foment, encourage, promote, foster
Formalizar to give proper form to; to legalize; to make official
Formar to form; shape, mold
Formular to formulate, word
Fortificar to fortify
Forzar to force, compel
Fotografiar to photograph
Fracturar to fracture, break
Frecuentar to frequent
Frustrar to frustrate, thwart
Galopar to gallop
Generalizar to generalize
Germinar ´to germinate
Gesticular to gesticulate
Glorificar to glorify
Glosar to gloss. comment upon, explain (a text)
Graduar to graduate, give a diploma
Habitar to inhabit, live, reside
Honrar to honour; -se to be honored
Humiliar to humiliate, humble, lower, crush; -se to humiliate oneself
Idear to form an idea of, to devise, think out, plan
Identificar to identify
Ignorar to be ignorant of
Iluminar to illuminate, to light, to enlighten
Ilustrar to illustrate
Imbuir to imbue, to instill, to infuse, inspire (with)
Imitar to imitate
Impedir to impede, prevent, hinder
Impeler to impel, push; to incite, spur
Implantar to implant, establish, introduce
Implicar to imply, implicate, involve
Implorar to implore, entreat, beg
Impregnar to impregnate, saturate
Impresionar to impress, move, affect, stir; - to be stirred
Improvisar to improvise
Inaugurar to inaugurate, begin, open,
Incapacitar to cripple, disable, handicap, make useful
Incitar to incite, rouse, stir up
Inclinar to incline, to persuade
Inculcar to inculcate, instill, impress
Incurrir to incur, fall (into)
Indemnizar to indemnify, compensate
Indicar to indicate, show, point out
Inducir to induce; to persuade
Infectar to infect; to corrupt
Inferir to infer, to imply, to inflict
Infestar to infest, invade, overrun, plague; corrupt, infest
Infiltrar to filter through; infiltrate
Inflamar to inflame, excite; to kindle, to set on fire
Inflar to inflate; to exaggerate
Influir to influence
Informar to inform; to give form to
Infringir to infringe, break, violate
Iniciar to initiate; to begin
Injuriar to insult, offend, harm, damage
Inmigrar to immigrate
Inocular to inoculate
Inquirir to inquire, investigate
Inscribir to inscribe; to register, enroll
Insinuar to insinuate, to hint
Insistir to insist; persist
Inspecionar to inspect
Inspirar to inspire, to inhale
Instalar to install
Instigar to instigate
Instituir to institute
Insultar to insult
Interceder to intercede
Interceptar to intercept
Interesar to interest
Internar to intern, confine
Interpretar to interpret
Interrogar to interrogate, question
Intervenir to intervene
Intimar to announce, notify; to intimate, hint
Intimidar to intimidate
Intrigar to intrigue
Introducir to introduce
Inundar to inundate, to flood
Invadir to invade
Invalidar to render invalid; to void, to anul
Inventar to invent
Inventariar to inventory, take an inventory of
Invernar to winter, spend the winter
Investigar to investigate
Invitar to invite
Invocar to invoke
Irradiar to radiate
Irrigar to irrigate
Irritar to irritate
Justificar to justify; to vindicate
Lamentar to lament, deplore
Lancear to lance, spear
Legalizar to legalize
Legislar to legislate
Libertar to liberate, to set free, to free
Licenciar to license, to give a license or permit
Limitar to limit; restrict; to bound
Liquidar to liquidate; to settle (an account)
Localizar to localize
Lubricar to lubricate, oil, grease
Madurar to mature; to ripèn
Maltratar to treat badly; to misuse, abuse
Manifestar to manifest; to show
Manipular to manipulate, handle
Manufacturar to manufacture
Marcar to mark, stamp, brand; to note, observe
Masticar to chew (Like masticate)
Matricular enroll, register
Mediar to mediate, intervene
Meditar to mediate; to muse
Mencionar to mention
Ministrar to minister, to give (money, aid, etc.)
Mitigar to mitigate, soften, soothe
Modelar to model
Moderar to moderate, temper, restrain; to regulate; to restrain
Modificar to modify
Modular to modulate, tone down
Moldear to mold; to cast
Molestar to molest, disturb; bother, annoy
Monopolizar to monopolize; to corner (a market)
Montar to mount; to ride horseback
Mortificar to mortify; to torment
Motivar to cause; to give a cause for
Mover to move; to persuade
Movilizar to mobilize
Multiplicar to multiply
Murmurar to murmur
Mutilar to mutilate; to butcher
Narrar to narrate, tell, relate
Naturalizar to naturalize; to acclimatize
Navegar to navigate; to sail
Necesitar to necessitate; to need
Negociar to negotiate; to trade; to transact
Neutralizar to neutralize; counteract
Nominar to nominate
Normalizar to normalize
Notificar to notify
Objetar to object
Obligar to oblige; to obligate, to bind
Observar to observe; to watch
Obsesionar to obsess
Obtener to obtain, get; to attain
Ocasionar .to occasion, cause
Ocupar to occupy; to employ, to pay attention to
Ocurrir to occur
Odiar to hate (Similar to odious)
Oficiar to officiate, serve, minister
Operar to operate; to take effect
Opinar to express an opinion; to judge; to argue (Similar to opine)
Oponer to oppose (think of opponent)
Optar to choose, select (Think of opt for)
Ordenar to arrange, to put in order; to order, command
Organizar to organize
Orientar to orientate, orient
Originar to originate, cause to be
Ornamentar to ornament, adorn
Oscilar to oscillate, swing, sway
Oxidar to oxidize; to rust
Pacificar to pacify; to appease
Palpitar to palpitate; to throb, beat
Paralizar to paralyze, to stop
Participar to participate, share
Racionar to ration
Radiar to radiate; to radio; to broadcast
Ratificar to ratify
Razonar to reason; to discourse, talk; to argue
Reaccionar to react
Reajustar to readjust
Realizar to realize, fulfill
Reasumir to resume
Reavivir to revive
Recitar to recite
Reclinar to recline, lean
Recobrar to recover, regain
Recomendar to recommend; to commend, praise
Recompensar to recompense, reward; to compensate
Reconciliar to reconcile
Reconstruir to reconstruct, rebuild
Rectificar to rectify, correct, amend
Recuperar to recuperate, recover, regain
Reducir to reduce; to diminish
Reemplazer to replace; top substitute
Referir to refer
Refinar to refine; to purify
Reflexionar to reflect, meditate
Reformar to reform; to correct, amend
Refrescar to refresh, renew; to cool, to get cool (weather)
Refutar to refute
Registrar to examine, inspect, scrutinize; to register, record
Regular to regulate; to adjust
Regularizar to regulate, make regular
Reiterar to reiterate, repeat
Relajar to relax; to slacken
Relegar to relegate, banish
Remediar to remedy; to help; to avoid
Remunerar to remunerate, compensate
Renovar to renovate; to renew
Reposar to repose; to rest
Representar to represent
Reprochar to reproach
Reproducir to reproduce
Repudiar to repudiate; to disown
Repulsar to repulse, repel, reject
Reputar to repute
Requerir to require; to need
Reservar to reserve; to put aside
Residir to reside; to dwell
Resignar to resign; to hand over
Resistir to resist; to tolerate
Resolver to resolve
Respirar to breathe
Restaurar to restore; to recover
Retardar to retard, delay
Retener to retain; to keep
Retornar to return; to give back
Reunir to reunite; to unite
Revelar to reveal
Reverenciar to revere; venerate
Revertir to revert
Revisar to revise; to review
Revistar review, inspect (troops)
Revivir to revive
Revocar to revoke, repeal
Rivalizar to rival, compete
Robar to rob, steal
Sacrificar to sacrifice
Salar to salt; to cure or preserve with salt
Saludar to salute, greet
Salvar to save
Sancionar to sanction; to authorize, ratify
Satirizar to satirize
Satisfacer to satisfy; to pay (a debt)
Saturar to saturate, satiate
Sazonar to season; to flavor
Seccionar to section
Secretar to secrete
Secuestrar to seize; to kidnap; to confiscate (Similar to sequester)
Secundar to second
Seducir to seduce; entice
Separar to separate
Sermonear to preach; to admonish; reprimand (Similar to sermon)
Sertpentear to wind, twist, turn, zigzag (Similar to serpent)
Servir to serve; to be of use
Significar to signify; to mean
Simpatizar to sympathize (with)
Simplificar to simplify
Simular to simulate, feign
Sindicar to syndicate
Situar to locate; to place; -se to be located, placed, situated
Sofocar to suffocate, choke; to smother
Solar to sole (shoes)
Solazar to console, cheer, comfort (Similar to solace)
Solicitar to solicit
Solidificar to solidify
Sonar to sound; to ring
Soportar to support, hold up
Subsistir to subsist; to exist; to last
Subordinar to subordinate, to subdue
Sucumbir to succumb; to yield
Sufrir to suffer
Sugerir to suggest; to hint
Sumar to add up; to sum up
Suplantar to supplant
Suplementar to supplement
Surgir to surge; rise
Suscribir to subscribe
Suspender to suspend; to hang
Sustituir to substitute
Terminar to terminate, end
Testimoniar to give testimony of; to serve as a witness
Tolerar to tolerate; to allow; to overlook
Torpedear to torpedo
Torturar to torture
Tostar to toast; to tan
Triunfar to triumph; to trump (at cards)
Trotar to trot; to hurry
Unir to unite, to join; to bring together
Utilizar to utilize; to use
Vacilar to vacillate, waver, hesitate
Valuar to value, price, appraise, to rate
Variar to vary; to change; to shift; to differ
Vegetar to vegetate
Venerar to venerate
Ventilar to ventilate; to air
Verificar to verify; to confirm
Vibrar to vibrate
Vigorizar to invigorate, tone up, to give vigor to
Vindicar to vindicate; to avenge
Visitar to visit; to inspect
Vomitar to vomit
Votar to vote