A very large number of English words have Latin roots. Consequently, many of them bear a close resemblance to the Spanish words that are used to convey the same meaning.
Writing English has provided lists of Spanish words that have a close resemblance to the corresponding English word - in spelling and meaning. This is done for your interest and amusement
If you feel that the English and Spanish words are not identical, don't become upset and write WritingEnglish.com. The test used in deciding whether to include a word in the list or not was simply whether or not its inclusion would help someone to accumulate a larger Spanish vocabulary.
The original lists were compiled during the summer of 2005 in the bright sunshine of Torrenostra, a Spanish seaside resort on the Mediterranean. They were compiled with the specific goal of creating a study aid that would help the author to increase (easily) his Spanish vocabulary.
I hope that you enjoy perusing them.